We Are One at Camel Art Space, Williamsburg, Brooklyn

We Are One

at Camel Art Space, Williamsburg, Brooklyn 


Exhibition date & time: Saturday, December 17th 10:00am-6:00pm

Sales art works / Reception date & time: Saturday, December 17th 6:00-9:00pm

Location: Camel Art Space (722 Metropolitan Ave., 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11211)

Contact: weareoneatcamel@gmail.com



On Megumi Akiyoshi – Artist

Mariko Tanaka- Independent Curator

Yuko Oda- Visual Artist/Assistant Professor, New York Institute of Technology

Rob de Oude – Artist / Director, Camel Art Space


In cooperation with:


Japan Earthquake Relief Fund at Japan Society


Utrecht Art Supplies



Immediate Press Release


December17, 2011- We’d like to announce that we are holding a second exhibition of “We Are One”, to assist with the ongoing earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis relief efforts in Japan.


It’s been approximately eight months since the tragedy in northeastern Japan.  The Japanese people are still struggling to find peace of mind as they face an on-going nuclear crisis, and many people in the disaster areas still do not have homes. Some experts say it will take more than 10 years for a full recovery of Japan.  We feel strongly that it is necessary to continuously support Japan with a long-term perspective.


The “We Are One- Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Crisis Relief Exhibition” held at the New York Institute of Technology on April 11th, 2011 was a big success.  Over 100 artists contributed their time and artworks, and the joint efforts created an unforgettable experience for all artists and volunteers.  We were able to raise over $17,000, of which 100% of the proceeds went to the Japan Society Earthquake Relief Fund. Thank you again for making that exhibition a reality.


Camel Art Space has generously volunteered their exhibition space for us, and the second “We Are One” exhibition is scheduled for December 17th, Saturday, 2011.


The work will be sold at an affordable price, of $100-200, to ensure that many works will be bought during the one-day event.   100% of the proceeds will go to the Japan Society Earthquake Relief Fund, a reputable fund that works diligently at ensuring all the money goes to the places in Japan where it is needed most.


We sincerely hope you will support us and come to WE ARE ONE.  


現在でも引き続き行われている東日本大震災、またその震災による津波被害や原発危機の支援活動への一助となるために、展覧会“We are one”を再び開催することを皆様にお知らせ致します。




4月11日に開催した“We Are One- Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Crisis Relief Exhibition” は、100人以上のアーティスト、多くのボランティアの協力を得て、大成功を収めました。売り上げは1万7千ドルを越え、その収益金はすべてJapan Society Earthquake Relief Fundを通じ、被災者、被災地支援に役立てられています。この場を借りて皆様に再度、御礼を申し上げます。


そしてまたこの度、ブルックリンにあるCamel Art Spaceの暖かい協力を申し出により、12月17日に2回目となる、“We Are One” を開催する運びとなりました。


一回目の展覧会と同じく一日の展覧会で、作品を$100から$200で販売致します。収益金はすべてJapan SocietyJapan Earthquake Relief Fundを通じ、被災者、被災地に送られます。

