2007-2010 National Academu of Museum Workstudy, Curatorial Dept, Senior Curator Assistant.
2007 School of Visual Arts Summer Residency Programs
2005 Tama Art University, BFA: Japanese Painting
2001-2005 Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan, Majoring in Japanese Painting
2009.6 CASA MUSEO BENVENUTO CELLINI (goldsmith and sculpture), Toscana, Italy
2008.7 Edwin Austin Abbey Mural workshop 2008, NY
2007.7 School of Visual Arts Summer Residency Programs, NY
2009.12 Honor Prize, National Academy
2009.6 Bacchieles Scholarship, National Academy
2008.7 Edwin Austin Abbey Memorial Fund For MURAL PAINTING IN AMERICA
2021.8 Uematsu Art window show, Tokyo
2015.8-10 Maria Tanikawa:Solo show at T.Y.HARBOR
2005.7 "maria's works at DEXEE DINER" DEXEE DINER,Tokyo
2005.5 "maria tanikawa exhibition", Ginza Gallery Forest,Tokyo.
2004.3 -maria tanikawa-solo show, Tama Art University
2023 Charity Biennale/YOKOHAMA
2021.9-10 Art and Haiku: Home Away From Home, New York
2017.6 Wish You Were Here 16, A.I.R. Gallery's Annual Benefit Postcard Show
2014.6-7 Nihongart x ©WASARA x 東京十月
2013.9 The 7th Annual "The Nippon Club Art Exhibition" Nippon Club
2013.9 HAFH IX, Tenri Gallery
2013.6 Wish You Were Here 12, A.I.R. Gallery's Annual Benefit Postcard Show
2012.6 HAFH VIII, Tenri Gallery
2012.5 The 6th Annual "The Nippon Club Art Exhibition" Nippon Club
2011.12 art work for 誉/Homare by Shing02 (Spinmaster Backyard Remix)
2011.12 We Are One, Camel Art Space
2011.12 Art Showcase and Fundraiser for Japan by JETAANY, The Ambassador's Residence
2011.9 Home Away From Home, Hammond Museum
2011.3 We Are One, Gallery 61
2011.3 I Love Japan More Than Ever, Graphite
2011.3 ART FOR JAPAN Art Exhibition to help the Earthquake and Tsunami victims, ISE Cultural
2010.12 2010 NY Coo Open Art Contest “An Exhibition of Selected Works” NY Coo Gallery
2010.9 Meeting with 4 Multiplicities, Blank Space Gallery
2010.6 Artists from Around the World, Alex Adam Gallery
2010.5 Stone Room Perspecttives, National Academy
2010.2 THE GREAT POP-UP ART SALE, The Dumbo Arts Center
2010.2 "EARTH” Gallery HOUSE
2009.12 Annual Holiday Market, Clay Space1205
2009.12 2009 Mid-Year Student Exhibition, National Academy
2009.12 Small Works Show, 440 gallery
2009.9 ‘The 5th HAFH Exhibition’, NY Coo Gallery
2009.3 Worker’s Paradise, C.C.C.P gallery
2009.2 EAST|WEST, d3
2008.11 ART, Me and the WORLD, Williamsburg Art Historical Center
2008.10 NURTURE art 2008 Benefit, James Cohen Gallery
2008.10 BKLYN111, BAG gallery
2008.7 The National Academy Museum and The Edwin Austin Abbey Memorial Fund For Mural Workshop exhibition, The National Academy School of Fine Arts
2008.5 2008 Year-End Juried Student Exhibition, National Academy Museum
2008.1-3 ‘The 4th HAFH Exhibition 2008’ MIWA ALEX SALON
2007.12 Charity exhibition by KOUYUKAI, Bunpodou Gallery,
2007.7 School of Visual Arts, Summer Residency Programs OPEN STUDIO
2007.5 TOAST (http://www.toastartwalk.com/)
2006.12 Charity exhibition by KOUYUKAI, Bunpodou Gallery
2006.10 The 3rd HAFH exhibition at The 10th D.U.M.B.O. under the Bridge Art Festival
2005.12 Charity exhibition by KOUYUKAI, Bunpodou Gallery
2005.7 "maria's works at DEXEE DINER" by restaurant DEXEE DINER
2005.2 Graduation Works Exhibition at Ueno Royal Museum
2005.2 Joint Graduation Exhibition of Five Art Universities at Tokyo Metoroporitan Art Museum
2004-2005 Attended "U-35 Collaboration Exibition"at Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse
2004 Selected by1st Musashino art award take place in Musashino Civic Cultural Hall
2004 ART 44, Gallery Yokohama
2004 Group Exhibition-Tama Art University Kaminoge campas.
2003-2005 Participated in the Hospital Art Program, Tokyo Tenshin Hospital.
2002 Participated in Christmas project in Catholic Seijo Church.
2002.2 Tama Art Award, TOKYU
Private collections in the US and Japan